Call for Award Nominations ![]() As a reminder, nominations for the 2022 ISEE Awards will close March 30. There are awards for all career stages, ranging from senior scientists, (John Goldsmith Award for Outstanding Contributions to Environmental Epidemiology), mid-career (Tony McMichael Mid-Term Career Award), and new investigator (Rebecca James Baker Award).
Additional Awards:
Applications to become an ISEE Fellow are due by March 30. If you are interested in becoming an ISEE Fellow submit your application here. ISEE 2022 Annual & Regional Conferences
ISEE 2022 Annual Conference ![]() Registration and Travel Award applications for the ISEE 2022 Annual Conference, Strengthening the global role of environmental epidemiology, are now open! Abstracts should be submitted by April 10. This year ISEE is launching a new prize, the Best LMIC Abstract Award. Eligible candidates may submit their abstract for consideration at the point of submission to the conference here.
ISEE-AWPC & ISES-AC Joint Virtual Conference The theme of the conference is “Influence of Environmental Factors on Human Health, Potential and Resilience.” Jointly organized by the National University of Singapore and Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences, it will be held virtually June 20-21, 2022. Visit the conference website here. ![]() Workshops to Support EPA's Development of Human Health Assessments: 2-Part Series
Public Registration and Call for Posters: The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine will hold a two-part workshop series to support the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s development of chemical human health assessments. Both workshops will take place virtually in May 2022. ISEE Workshop: Writing and Publishing Environmental Epidemiology Research
The overall goal of the workshop is to provide information, skills, and tactics that will help students and early career researchers write and publish their research. Read More
Tuesday, April 26, 2022 12:00 PM -1:00 PM EDT Click here to register for this workshop. ![]() New Benefit for Members: ISEE's Peer Editing Program
ISEE provides manuscript editing assistance to existing and new members! The Peer Editing Program (PEP) aims to increase acceptance rates of high-quality research manuscripts submitted by researchers affiliated with institutions in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and those from under-represented minority groups. Go to the PEP webpage for more information and eligibility criteria.
Please direct all inquiries to ISEE Workshop: Strategies for Enhancing Peer Review as a Reviewer (Recording Available)
Few researchers receive any formal training on how to effectively review and critique a scientific manuscript. This workshop provides participants with knowledge, skills, and strategies to maximize the quality and utility of their reviews. Read More
All members of ISEE may benefit from this workshop, however, we anticipate the greatest interest from early-career researchers and members from low- and middle-income countries.
On Demand Original Workshop Date: March 10, 2022 Click here to watch this workshop. ![]() Call for Nominations: Upcoming Chapter Elections
AWP Chapter members should have recently received a call for nominations for three open councilor positions, via email from The deadline for submitting nominations to is April 8 and the election is expected to begin by mid-May. Latin America and the Caribbean Chapter
Join the organizing committee of the first meeting of environmental health students from Latin America and the Caribbean
Si te interesa la salud y el medio ambiente y formas parte de algún posgrado relacionado con la epidemiología ambiental, te invitamos a ser parte del comité organizador del Primer Encuentro de Estudiantes de Salud Ambiental de América Latina y el Caribe, a realizarse en noviembre de 2022 con sede virtual en la Escuela de Salud Pública de México. Este evento contará con el apoyo del Capítulo de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC) de la Sociedad Internacional de Epidemiología Ambiental (ISEE) y tiene el objetivo de brindar la oportunidad de compartir proyectos de investigación, publicaciones y experiencias entre estudiantes e investigadores jóvenes; por ello nos gustaría contar con la participación de personas de varios países de la región y crear un fuerte red de colaboración. Los miembros del comité organizador recibirán una constancia con valor curricular por parte del LAC-ISEE y tendrán la oportunidad de crear contactos y estrechar lazos con estudiantes e investigadores de América Latina y el Caribe.
¡Nos encantaría conocerte y trabajar en un equipo multinacional! ¡la fecha límite es el 27 de marzo!
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