International Summer School in Global Health
September 4, 2023 - September 8, 2023
Registration Deadline: July 16
Event Registration
Event Description
Organized by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) and funded by the ISGlobal Severo Ochoa Strategic Programme, this online course proposes a unique interdisciplinary teaching programme with theoretical and practical sessions.

The objective is to give an in-depth overview of cross-cutting methods for global health and address key global health challenges.

The course is organised into six modules on these topics, from which participants can choose up to three:
  1. Introduction to epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS)
  2. Physical activity in research 
  3. Introduction to Biomedical Data Science and Machine Learning
  4. Endemic and Pandemic Infectious Diseases and their Disruptive Impact in Society
  5. Health Impact Assessment: Principles and Practices
  6. Circadian disruptionnight shift work, artificial light at night and human health effects

While registering, you will choose your course module(s) (one module for a time slot, a maximum of three modules in total) and explain why you want to take those modules in your letter of motivation. Note that the deadline for registration is 16 July.

This course is free of charge for all participants thanks to the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish State Research Agency.

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